
A modern company that makes wood products based on a managerial data base system. In supporting the company’s journey to achieve a noble vision and mission SALIM SUKSES SARANA from the beginning has implemented a managerial system based on Information Technology (IT) and a data base. So that all the company’s track record of production, finance, sales, supplier and consumer relations will be collected in accurate data. So that all policies and decision-making are based on precise and accurate data on the priority scale of needs for the company’s progress. Not based on speculation that contains high risk.


  • Using a standard financial system and POS (Point of Sales) tailored to the needs of the company.
  • Using SOP (standard operational procedure) and KPI (key performance indicator).
  • Having an accurate performance measurement so that effectiveness is increased and detected and error analysis can be done early to find the best solution.
  • Effective organizational structure in all departments of the company, to improve the speed and quality of service excellence.
  • Using offline and online media and social media facilities in all forms of communication with the target market and consumers.

A place for developing a reliable HR character in a high capacity and productivity that is capable of competitiveness. SALIM SUKSES SARANA in its function as a place to work many employees, as well as a place to develop the potential of each individual to be better and contribute to others in the family and social community. Both in career and personality.


  • SOPs and KPIs are always made, revised and developed based on the principle of morality mercy.
  • Provide space in the organizational structure for anyone to be able to make a career for those who have the appropriate capacities and abilities.
  • Having a regular schedule for majlis ta’lim and spiritual services is mandatory for all employees.

A place to develop creativity and art in the processing and production of wood SALIM SUKSES SARANA facilitates all parties who have the competence of wood design and art to be able to realize their ideas and imagination. In order to become a product model that is able to answer and provide solutions to the desires and tastes of the general public and the target market in particular.


  • Having an R&D division (research and development) in charge of making new products to be the best solutions.
  • Exploring ancient culture to get inspiration that will apply philosophy and local wisdom in product design, so that each product design will have a discovery or cultural background.
  • Keep up with the latest trends in interior and exterior design to maintain product balance and market demand.
  • Participating in a cast event or design competition organized by parties and related institutions, both domestic and foreign.

The place to learn to build leadership in organization SALIM SUKSES SARANA was established by Kyai Abdul Wahid S.a.g and his students based on sincerity and enthusiasm to build life into a well-established, safe, prosperous servant of Allah. Not a life based on lust deceiving favors for a moment is easily lost.


  • Has available huts, dormitories and mosques that are open 24 hours a day for anyone who is trying to dig into true identity.
  • Conducting inhouse training and couhing, a closed seminar to enlighten all employees.
  • Having a CSR (company social responsibility) division of corporate social responsibility to contribute significantly to employees and the community as well as those who need help, according to ability.

Mr. Eko B. Santoso
Operational Director

Mr. Abdul Wahid
General Manager

Mr. Supriyono
Production Director

"Growing Intact in Affection" is our motto for internal and external, which makes every work relationship and partnership that we forge into a bond of luck and peace. The Universe supports together with HIS Supreme Name.

Hormat kami,(Eko B. Santoso)
Operational Director.

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